电缆型号中英文对照表栏目 :公司动态
发布时间 : 2015-07-02
安徽远洋仪表电缆报价厂家为您带来 电缆型号 中英文对照表,词条较多,可以使用“CTRL+F”再输入自己希望查询的词条进行快速查看电缆中英对照。如果以下列出的型号未出现您希望的词条,欢迎您来电咨询。 细导线fine wire conductor 级导体first class conduc
细导线 fine wire conductor 级导体 first class conductor
螺旋形导线 fish line conductor
五线组 five-wire conductor
扁导体带状电缆 flat conductor cable
软线 flex conductor
软接线 flexible circuit conductor
软导体 flexible conductor
软绞线 flexible stranded conductor
扩径导线 expanded conductor
外导体 external conductor
特细丝导线 extra-fine wire conductor
特软绞线 extra-flexible stranded conductor
极低弧垂钢芯铝绞线 extremely low-sag invar-reinforced aluminium conductor
导电体 electric conductor
电导体 electrical conductor
电工用铜 electrical conductor grade copper
导体电阻 electrical resistance of conductor
电解质导体 electrolytic conductor
漆包铜线 enamelled copper conductor
漆包扁线 enamelled rectangularsection conductor
接线芯 drain conductor
载导线 dummy conductor
导体 earth conductor
接导线 earth continuity conductor
接均衡器导线 earth equalizer conductor
接导线 earthing conductor
双裂导线 double bundle conductor
双芯软线 double conductor cord
皱纹导体 corrugated concentric conductor
纱包铜线 cotton-covered copper conductor
低温超导体 cryogenic superconductor
截流导线 current carrying conductor
限流导线 current limiting conductor
连接器光导损耗 connector optical conductor loss
连接器引光导损耗 connector-induced optical conductor loss
接触导线 contact conductor
铜芯聚氯乙烯绝缘平型软线 copper conductor PVC-insulated parallel flexible cord
铜芯聚氯乙烯绝缘绞型软线 copper conductor PVC-insulated twisted flexible cord
铜芯电缆 copper conductor cable
铜包钢线 copper covered steel conductor
铜绞线 copper stranded conductor
铜包铝导体 copper-clad aluminium conductor
铜包钢线 copper-clad steel conductor
铜包钢线 copper/steel bimetallic conductor
铜包钢线 copperweld conductor
压缩扇形绞合导线 compact sector stranded conductor
压缩扇形导体 compact segmental conductor
紧压导体 compacted conductor
紧压式绞合1350圆铝导线 compact-round concentric-lay-stranded aluminium 1350 conductor
紧压式绞合圆钢芯铝绞线 compact-round concentric-lay-stranded aluminium conductor,steel-reinforced
紧压式绞合圆铜导线 compact-round concentric-lay-stranded copper conductor
紧压导体 compacted conductor
导线压缩 compaction of the conductor
补偿导线 compensating conductor
复合导线 composite conductor
光纤通信组合导线 composite optical communication conductor
复合超导体 compound superconductor
压缩型绞合导体 compressed-stranded conductor 导体 concentric conductor
层绞导线 concentric lay conductor
性线 concentric neutral conductor
性导体 concentric neuttral conductor
绞合线芯 concentric stranded conductor
轴线路 concentric-conductor line
式绞合1350铝导线 concentric-lay-stranded aluminium 1350 conductor
式绞合铝导体 concentric-lay-stranded aluminium conductor
式绞合钢芯铝绞线 concentric-lay-stranded aluminium conductor,coated steel-reinforced
式绞合5005- H19
铝合金导线 concentric-lay-stranded aluminium-alloy 5005-H19 conductor 式绞合6201- T81
铝合金导线 concentric-lay-stranded aluminium-alloy 6201-T81 conductor 式绞合铝包钢导线 concentric-lay-stranded aluminium-clad steel conductor
式绞合铜包钢导线 concentric-lay-stranded copper and clad steel conductor
式绞合铜和铜包钢复合导线 concentric-lay-stranded copper and copper-clad steel composite conductor
式绞合铜导线 concentric-lay-stranded copper conductor
式绞合圆导体 concentrically stranded circular conductor
导线外径 conductor Outside diameter
布线 conductor arrangement
导体绕扎带 conductor binder
导体[线]断线 conductor break
导线结构 conductor design
导体场强 conductor field strength
导体梯度 conductor gradient
导体绝缘 conductor insulation
导线负载 conductor loading
导体损耗 conductor loss
导体材料 conductor material
导线制品 conductor productor
汇流排 conductor rail
导体电阻 conductor resistance
导体屏蔽 conductor screen
导体形状 conductor shape
导体屏蔽 conductor shield
导体隔 conductor spacing
线芯接续强度 conductor splicing force
导线绞合 conductor stranding
导体温度 conductor temperature
导线张力 conductor tension
导线导线 conductor to conductor
导线屏蔽 conductor to shield
导线交叉 conductor transposition
导体单位 conductor unit
单线 conductor wire
导线 conductor with reduced cross-sectional area
配线 conductor-configuration
线芯冷却功率电缆 conductor-cooled heavy duty cable
线梗 conductor-stalk
导体结构 conductorconstruction
导体材料 conductormaterial
圆导体 circular conductor 轴内导体 coaxial inner conductor
轴外导体 coaxial outer conductor
铜芯电缆 cable with copper conductor
阴极导体 cathode conductor
管状导线 cellular conductor 导体 centre conductor
青铜导线 bronze conductor
束绞导线 bunch-stranded conductor
束绞铜束线 bunch-stranded copper conductor
束合导体 bunched conductor 裂导线 bundle conductor
铜芯编织电缆 braid cable with copper conductor
编织导线 braid conductor
编织导线 braided conductor 支导线 branch conductor
断线检测器 broken conductor detector
钢芯铝绞线 aluminium-steel conductor
绝导体 absolute conductor
架空线 aerial conductor
金属氧化物半导体 metal-oxide semiconductor 割导体 Milliken conductor
塑料绝缘线芯 plastic insulated conductor
塑料绝缘导体 plastic insulated conductor
实铝导体 solid aluminium conductor
双漆包纸绝缘电线 Tietgen conductor
铜绞线 copper stranded conductor
泡沫绝缘电线 dual expanded plastic insulated conductor
电工用铝 EC-aluminium
导电用铝 EC-aluminum
型铜芯电缆 Efglas type electric cable with copper conductor cable Efglas
内冷电缆超导体 internally cooled cable superconductor
内冷电缆超导体 internally cooled cabled superconductor
电工术语 电缆
Electrotechnical vocabulary Electric cablesà-镀层导体:plain conductor
金属镀层导体:metal coated conductor
镀锡导体:tinned conductor
金属包覆导体:metal-clad conductor
实导体:solid conductor
绞合导体:stranded conductor
圆形绞合导体:concentrically stranded circular conductor
束合导体:bunched conductor
复绞导体:multiple stranded conductor
软导体:flexible conductor型导体:shaped conductor
扇形导体:sector shaped conductor
紧压导体:compacted conductor割导体:milliken conductor
空导体:hollow conductor
铜皮导体:tinsel conductor股线:concentric strand
束合股线:bunched strand性导体:concentric neutral conductor
绕包绝缘:lapped insulation
浸渍纸绝缘:impregnated paper insulation
挤包绝缘:extruded insulation
矿物绝缘:mineral insulation
热塑性绝缘:thermoplastic insulation
热固性绝缘:thermosetting insulation
交联绝缘:cross-linked insulation
导体屏蔽:conductor screen
绝缘线芯屏蔽:core screen
接屏蔽:shield of a cable
剥离屏蔽:strippable screen
粘结屏蔽:bonded screen
裸屏蔽线:drain wire /continuity wire缆
节距:length of lay
节径比:lay ratio
绞向:direction of lay
组件,用insulated conductor表示
缆芯:twisted loom/cabled assembly
SZ缆:SZ cabling
内衬层:inner covering
护套:sheath jacket(北采用)
外护套 versheath /outer sheath protective jacket(北采用)
螺旋扎紧带:spiral binder tape
滑线:skid wire
皱纹金属套:corrugated metallic sheath
内护套:inner sheath inner jacket(北)
防护套:barrier sheath
阻水粉末:water blocking powder/swelling powder
阻水带:water blocking tape
阻水胶:water blocking glue swelling glue相屏蔽电缆:individually screened cable
径向电场电缆:radial field cable
软线:cord套线(电线组件):cord set
接电极:earth electrode ground electrode(
裸接导体 uninsulated earth conductor
管式电缆:pipe-type cable
架空绝缘电缆:aerial cable
集束架空电缆:bundle assembled aerial cable
仪表电缆:measuring cable
热点偶补偿电缆:thermocouple compensation cable
密封终端:sealing end
终端盒:terminal box线盒:dividing box /spltter box
绕包式终端:taped termination
直通接:straight joint
屏蔽导体,流线:shielding conductor
绕包隙:butt gap for cables
电缆盘:cable drum/cable reel
电缆线盘:cable spool规格
电缆板条:cable lag
火花试验:spark test
电力电缆周负荷载流量:cyclic current rating for electric cables
![]() KVVP控制电缆 |
![]() 硅橡胶耐高温电力电缆 |
![]() 本安型补偿导线 |
![]() DCS系统计算机电缆 |
![]() 变频器专用电缆 |
![]() 环保耐火电缆 |